International Women’s Day


Today is International Women’s Day.  A day that the world celebrates the achievements of women globally.  At the same time it’s also a day used to highlight issues that are still apparent in the lives of women around the world.  Despite the huge strides women have made over the last century, there is still so much inequality faced by women around the world.

This year’s theme for IWD is #PledgeForParity.  Gender parity measures the difference between men and women with respect to several aspects including health, education, economy and politics.  In 2014, The World Economic Forum predicted that the gender gap would close by the year 2095.  Sadly there has been a slowdown which means that it won’t be until the year 2133 before the world sees the gender gap close entirely.  In order speed the process this year everyone is being asked to pledge they will take actionable steps toward achieving gender parity at a faster pace.

If you want more information on how to take the pledge CLICK HERE for more details from the International Women’s Day website.  It takes everyone to make a difference; both men and women in order for women and girls to achieve their dreams.

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